Nous sommes exceptionnellement bien placés pour vous aider à percer le secteur canadien des services financiers fortement réglementé et marqué par une vive concurrence. Nous formons les meilleures équipes pour mener à bien des opérations commerciales et des opérations de prêts aux entreprises et prendre en charge des dossiers d’insolvabilité et de restructuration, de même que d’autres opérations commerciales complexes, dont des fusions et des acquisitions, des coentreprises et des partenariats.
Grâce à notre structure multidisciplinaire, nous sommes en mesure de répondre aux besoins précis des organisations du secteur des services financiers en collaborant avec des avocats versés aux rouages de l’industrie et possédant une riche expérience de leurs domaines de pratique spécialisés, dont les suivants :
Vos avocats au Canada sont fiers de conseiller les plus grandes banques au pays, ainsi que des institutions financières des États-Unis et d’autres pays. Nous fournissons des services à plusieurs importantes institutions financières, notamment des banques des annexes I, II et III, des compagnies d’assurance, des coopératives de crédit, des régimes de retraite et d’autres fonds dans tous les domaines spécialisés liés au secteur des services financiers.
Voici nos champs d’expertise :
Chaque opération de fusion et acquisition repose sur une ambition, qu’il s’agisse de tirer parti d’une occasion intéressante, de nouer un nouveau partenariat ou de prendre en main la croissance de son entreprise. Faites appel à nos compétences pointues pour ce qui touche la réglementation de même qu’à notre expertise poussée dans les domaines porteurs pour l’économie d’aujourd’hui et de demain afin de renforcer et de soutenir vos objectifs.
Three’s company: Alberta formalizes position on third-party risks for captives ARTICLE
Financial crime, consumer protection, and banking measures proposed in 2024 Fall Economic Statement ARTICLE
Entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle version du Code de conduite destiné à l’industrie des cartes de paiement au Canada ARTICLE
The U.K.-Switzerland financial services mutual recognition agreement: A model for a future U.K.-EU relationship? ARTICLE
USDC is first VRCA (stablecoin) to meet new CSA requirements ARTICLE
New AML/ATF measures including requirements for financing, leasing, and factoring businesses ARTICLE
Supreme Court of Canada: Landmark decision on corporate attribution and transfers at undervalue ARTICLE
Buckle up: Alberta's new guidelines on motor vehicle protection products and potential for captive insurance ARTICLE
Loi sur les activités associées aux paiements de détail du Canada : devez-vous vous enregistrer? ARTICLE
Private real estate investment trusts A smart plan for business growth ARTICLE
Public consultation: Proposed new measures for the banking sector and consumer protection ARTICLE
Harmonized sanction guidelines and more: CIRO releases 2023-2024 enforcement report ARTICLE
Canada’s new criminal interest rate to take effect Jan 1, 2025 ARTICLE
Sanctions evasion reporting under Canada’s anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing regime ARTICLE
Reappointing a receiver: Lessons from Grant Thornton and the Lexin Group ARTICLE
Système bancaire ouvert au Canada : Loi sur les services bancaires axés sur les consommateurs ARTICLE
Services juridiques gérés en location commerciale : 5 étapes préalables essentielles ARTICLE
What’s new in Canadian taxation for life sciences? ARTICLE
Court grants receivership application over competing CCAA application ARTICLE
SCC revisits principles applicable to bank guarantees and confirms pro-arbitration stance by upholding an ICC tribunal’s order ARTICLE
2024 Federal Budget: Money Talks ARTICLE
New hope: Federal government announces Federal Indigenous Loan Guarantee Program ARTICLE
When is a Financial Institution not a Financial Institution: CRA Announces New Administrative Positions on FATCA/CRS Compliance ARTICLE
Utilisation responsable de l’intelligence artificielle : meilleures pratiques pour les gestionnaires d’actifs canadiens ARTICLE
Ontario Court of Appeal grants priority to senior secured lender in equipment lease dispute ARTICLE
Prepare to comply with OSFI’s new Integrity and Security Guideline ARTICLE
Know when to fold ‘em: Special bulletin on money laundering through online gambling sites ARTICLE
Mantle decision: Alberta courts approach to CCAA proceedings ARTICLE
Tax evasion in Canada: The balancing act of bankruptcy and confidentiality ARTICLE
Insolvency insights: Lack of transparency through the court’s lens ARTICLE
Les nouvelles règles de déclaration applicables aux fiducies ont pris effet ARTICLE
Institutions financières canadiennes : tendances relatives à l’utilisation de l’IA ARTICLE
M&A trends for Canadian asset managers: BLG’s observations and insights looking ahead to 2024 ARTICLE
Four-step test for PSPs: First supervisory policies to describe registration criteria for Retail Payment Activities Act ARTICLE
Les services gérés, entre gestion immobilière et location commerciale ARTICLE
L’Alberta et le Canada adoptent des incitatifs pour le captage, l’utilisation et le stockage du carbone ARTICLE
Fix announced for “government assistance" tax problem regarding low-interest loans ARTICLE
Making gifts of the Right of Survivorship: Jackson v. Rosenberg, 2023 ONSC 4403 ARTICLE
The Charter, contempt, and unreasonable delay in a bankruptcy context ARTICLE
La Cour suprême de la Colombie-Britannique rejette la plainte d’un investisseur contre un courtier à escompte ARTICLE
Canada’s Retail Payment Activities Framework to take off in November 2024 ARTICLE
Bill C-45 Legislative updates provide enhanced support to First Nations Financial Management ARTICLE
Exonération cumulative des gains en capital : profitez d’une économie d’impôt allant jusqu’à 1 M$ en 2023 ARTICLE
Court orders delivery of tax planning memo prepared by accountants to CRA ARTICLE
Law Society of Alberta v Higgerty: Non-creditors appointments under the Judicature Act ARTICLE
Their fraud, my mistake, your loss? UK Supreme Court rejects fraud victim’s “duty to inquire” claim against her bank ARTICLE
L’OCRI sollicite des commentaires sur les profils de compétences des représentants de courtiers en placement ARTICLE
Six façons dont la technologie peut optimiser les services juridiques dans le secteur de la location ARTICLE
CSA publishes guidance on Public Crypto Funds – What fund managers need to know ARTICLE
British Columbia financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - June 2023 ARTICLE
British Columbia’s Money Services Businesses Act receives royal assent ARTICLE
British Columbia financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter ARTICLE
Solicitor’s reporting letters validated as list “will” of client: Re McGavin Estate, 2023 BCSC 819 ARTICLE
British Columbia financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter ARTICLE
Court grants relief for Armstrong Flooring Canada Ltd. and Affiliates as proceedings conclude ARTICLE
Changement à l’horizon : la mise à jour de la ligne directrice B-10 du BSIF renforce les exigences relatives à la gestion du risque lié aux tiers ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales - Mars 2023 ARTICLE
Recovering stolen money after a business email compromise scam ARTICLE
British Columbia financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter ARTICLE
Budget fédéral 2023 : l’art d’augmenter les impôts sans augmenter les taux ARTICLE
British Columbia Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter - February 2023 ARTICLE
Investment Canada Act aims to protect national security: How to enhance foreign M&A success ARTICLE
Culture de gestion des risques dans les institutions financières : le BSIF publie une ébauche de la ligne directrice Risques liés à la culture et au comportement ARTICLE
B.C. Court of Appeal: Financial institutions may have a duty to warn customers about known financial scams ARTICLE
Supervision des paiements de détail : le Canada fait un grand pas dans la réglementation des fournisseurs de services de paiement ARTICLE
Crypto winter: Navigating signs of financial stress ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – June - November 2022 ARTICLE
British Columbia Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter – November 2022 ARTICLE
Le Canada apporte des changements attendus aux règles de RDEIF dans la Loi de l’impôt sur le revenu ARTICLE
UCC Article 12 – A sensible framework for secured transactions involving cryptocurrencies or other digital assets ARTICLE
Modification des lignes directrices de l’ARC sur l’application de la FATCA et de la NCD aux comptes financiers détenus par des fiducies ARTICLE
British Columbia Reporter - Financial institutions legislative and regulatory - October 2022 ARTICLE
Ce qu’il faut savoir au sujet des frais supplémentaires sur les transactions par carte de crédit ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter British Columbia - September 2022 ARTICLE
Utilisation d’empreintes vocales à des fins d’authentification : points à retenir de l’affaire Rogers ARTICLE
Communication d’information financière par les fonds d’investissement : projet de modèle fondé sur l’accès ARTICLE
Avis aux institutions financières : la saison des vérifications liées à la FATCA et à la NCD est à nos portes ARTICLE
FSB releases its final report on climate-related financial risk ARTICLE
Sweeping changes to the regulation of mortgage brokers in B.C. ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - British Columbia - July and August 2022 ARTICLE
Show us the money: Net zero financing for Canadian businesses (Energy Disruptors Day 3) ARTICLE
5 ways to be a change-maker: Energy Disruptors conference Day 2 ARTICLE
3 lessons from Energy Disruptors Unite Day 1: Where we’re headed and how we’ll get there ARTICLE
Ontario Superior Court of Justice: word of caution regarding sealing orders ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - British Columbia ARTICLE
Cullen Commission Final Report: Potential impact for financial services providers ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – May 2022 ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - British Columbia - March and April 2022 ARTICLE
Revue des décisions récentes de la Cour d’appel du Québec en matière de protection du consommateur ARTICLE
Les règles en matière de contrats de crédit à coût élevé : perspectives de la Colombie-Britannique et du Québec ARTICLE
2030 Emissions reduction plan and Canada’s journey to net zero ARTICLE
Survol des régimes fédéral et québécois de protection des consommateurs de certains produits et services financiers ARTICLE
Mise à jour concernant la Loi sur les agents d’évaluation du crédit : une nouvelle ligne directrice de l’AMF ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – February 2022 ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - British Columbia - February and March 2022 ARTICLE
Decisions on secured lenders rights and remedies in 2022 ARTICLE
Langues officielles et projet de loi C-13 : notre analyse des répercussions pour les entreprises privées sous réglementation fédérale ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – January 2022 ARTICLE
Obligations of financial services providers and payment services providers under the Emergencies Act Order ARTICLE
B.C. Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter – January 2022 ARTICLE
Une stratégie d’acquisition d’entreprise mise à épreuve dans un contexte de proposition concordataire ARTICLE
Protection des investisseurs contre les risques climatiques : les IFRS à la rescousse ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – December 2021 ARTICLE
Shorter offering timelines and reduced deal risk: CSA introduce new blanket orders ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – November 2021 ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - British Columbia - November 2021 ARTICLE
Financial services regulatory: Consultations on climate-related risks ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – October 2021 ARTICLE
COP26: The future of financial services ARTICLE
Mandatory climate-related disclosure heats up: the CSA seeks comments on national instrument ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - British Columbia - September and October 2021 ARTICLE
La COP26 et le financement de l’action climatique : la stratégie du secteur des services financiers ARTICLE
TCFD: Tie board & management compensation to climate goals + 6 more new metrics ARTICLE
TCFD implementation: the shifting landscape of climate change policy in North America ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – September 2021 ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - British Columbia - August 2021 ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – August 2021 ARTICLE
British Columbia financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - July 2021 ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter - July ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – June 2021 ARTICLE
British Columbia financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – June 2021 ARTICLE
B.C. financial institutions legislative & regulatory reporter – May 2021 ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – May 2021 ARTICLE
Canada's new retail payments oversight framework: Draft legislation is finally published ARTICLE
Financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - British Columbia - April 2021 ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
The Legal Side of Raising Capital with Julie Bogle BALADO
Enjeux ESG et occasions de financement durable au Canada ARTICLE
Le marché des crédits compensatoires pour les gaz à effet de serre – la pièce manquante de l’économie du carbone au Canada – est arrivé ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – January and February 2021 ARTICLE
Réglementation des institutions financières provinciales et fédérales – 2020 en bref ARTICLE
Noteworthy 2020 GST/HST developments for corporate commercial operators ARTICLE
Noteworthy 2020 GST/HST developments for the Financial Services Industry ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – November 2020 ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter – October 2020 ARTICLE
Peaks and valleys: MEC’s struggle to survive in a hostile retail market ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales - Septembre 2020 ARTICLE
COVID-19 and Ontario mortgage enforcement practices ARTICLE
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - August 2020 ARTICLE
Coffee Break with BLG : Session 1 VIDÉO
Federal financial institutions legislative and regulatory reporter - July 2020 ARTICLE
BC Financial Services Authority’s rule-making powers and procedure now in force ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter - April, May and June 2020 ARTICLE
SCC opens doors to litigation funding in insolvency proceedings ARTICLE
FINTRAC: New guidance on filing suspicious transaction reports “as soon as practicable” ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter ARTICLE
COVID-19: Seven things directors should consider in a crisis ARTICLE
Système bancaire ouvert : les leçons de l’expérience britannique POINTS DE VUE
BCFSA-Changing-BCs-regulatory-framework-for-financial-institutions ARTICLE
Système bancaire ouvert au Canada : discussion sur un enjeu d’avenir POINTS DE VUE
Ontario Court of Appeal Confirms that Class Members Lack Standing to Appeal Settlement Approval Decisions ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter - September and October 2019 ARTICLE
IIROC Releases Bulletin on Limitation of Liability & Exclusionary Clauses ARTICLE
Canadian Financial Institutions to Assume New Human Rights Obligations ARTICLE
FINTRAC Issues Final Guidance for Non-Face-To-Face Verification Using Identification Documents ARTICLE
Ontario to Review Securities Act ARTICLE
Duty of Good Faith and more Changes to the BIA and CCAA via the Budget Implementation Act 2019 No1 ARTICLE
How to protect suppliers from defaulting or insolvent payers ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales— Mai et juin 2019 ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Where To Register Your Security After June 1, 2019 ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales — avril 2019 ARTICLE
Amendments to Monthly Sanction Reporting Requirements ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales — Mars 2019 ARTICLE
Importante consultation lancée par le commissariat à la protection de la vie privée ayant des incidences sur la circulation transfrontalière des données et les activités d’impartition ARTICLE
Advance Tax Credit Financing ARTICLE
Alberta Court of Appeal Confirms Superpriority for Receiver’s Fees and Costs ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales — Février 2019 ARTICLE
Canada & U.S.: Progress on cryptocurrency securities regulation ARTICLE
Update on Changes to the Canadian Payments Act ARTICLE
Navigating the Blockchain Revolution – Cryptocurrencies may be traced, but to where and whom? ARTICLE
OSC Seeks Input On Ways To Reduce Regulatory Burdens ARTICLE
OSC Seeking Public Comment On Reducing Unnecessary Regulatory Burden ARTICLE
Blockchain 101 BALADO
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter — November and December 2018 ARTICLE
Data Privacy: How Much Consent is Enough Consent? ARTICLE
What happens when you pay premiums on your spouse's life insurance and unbeknownst to you he changes the beneficiary designation to someone else? ARTICLE
ISDA Reveals Framework for Smart Derivatives Contracts ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales — septembre 2018 ARTICLE
OSFI Finalizes Corporate Governance Guideline ARTICLE
Rémunération intégrée des titres d’organismes de placement collectif : les résultats prévisibles, les grandes surprises et la suite des choses ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales — Août 2018 ARTICLE
Dealing with Digital VIDÉO
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter — July 2018 ARTICLE
Will the Coffey Class Action have a Ripple Effect? ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative And Regulatory Reporter — May And June 2018 ARTICLE
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency BALADO
Department of Finance Proposes Significant Amendments to AML/ATF Regulations ARTICLE
L’ARQ voit son pouvoir étendu afin d’obtenir des institutions financières hors du Québec des informations concernant un contribuable ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Department of Finance Launches Consultations on the Canadian Payments Act ARTICLE
Interesting Overdraft Charge Decision – Criminal Rates of Interest Class Action Successful at Summary Trial ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législations et l a réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Updating Canada's Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Regime ARTICLE
Prepaid Cards: Deposit Accounts? Or Something Else? Answer: It depends. ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter — December 2017 ARTICLE
Investment Restrictions for Public Investment Funds — At a Glance! ARTICLE
Canadian Competition Bureau Releases Draft FinTech Report for Public Consultation ARTICLE
CRA Defers Implementation Date for Application of Advantage Rules to Investment Management Fees ARTICLE
Department of Finance Launches Second Round of Consultations on Reform of Federal Financial Institution Statutes ARTICLE
Canadian Government Tables Bail-In Regulations ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
New and Bold Decision by the Ontario Superior Court of Justice… Who Madoff with the Money ARTICLE
Regulation of Payment in Service Providers in Canada: Proposal for a New Retail Payments Regulatory Regime ARTICLE
FINTRAC Update — Methods to Ascertain the Identity of Individual Clients ARTICLE
Nouveaux amendements aux dispositions sur le crédit à la consommation de la Loi sur la protection du consommateur du Québec ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative And Regulatory Reporter - April 2017 ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Canadian Business Conduct Rules for Derivatives Dealers ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
OSFI Issues Draft Guideline E-23 for Public Consultation on Enterprise-Wide Model Risk Management ARTICLE
Creation Of A New Financial Services Regulator In Ontario - 29 November ARTICLE
Creation Of A New Financial Services Regulator In Ontario - 15 November ARTICLE
Canadian Bank Regulators Clarify Promotion Of Comprehensive Credit Insurance In Bank Branches ARTICLE
Fraudulent Misrepresentation To Receivers And Beyond: Meridian Credit Union Limited V Baig ARTICLE
Canada Undergoes Review Of The Deposit Insurance Framework ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative And Regulatory Reporter ARTICLE
Assemblées des porteurs de titres de fonds d'investissement : les autorités canadiennes accordent une dispense autorisant le recours à la procédure « de notification et d'accès » ARTICLE
Canada Begins Process of Updating Federal Financial Institution Legislation ARTICLE
Federal Financial Institutions Legislative and Regulatory Reporter ARTICLE
Canadian Bank Regulator Issues Final Guidance on Operational Risk Management ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
The Cost of Compliance in Alberta is Going Up — ASC Adopts New Participation Fee for Reporting Issuers and Changes Other Fees ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
Rapport sur législations et réglementations applicables aux institutions financières fédéral ARTICLE
Proposed Amendments To The Credit Unions And Caisses Populaires Act, 1994 (Ontario) ARTICLE
Canadian Government Tables Bail-In Legislation ARTICLE
National Instrument 31-103 At A Glance (Updated!*) ARTICLE
Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales ARTICLE
FCAC Issues New and Amended Draft Guidance Documents On the Code of Conduct for The Credit and Debit Card Industry in Canada ARTICLE
BLG 2016 Canadian Financial Institutions Regulatory Outlook ARTICLE
The Final Version Of Guideline E-22 — Margin Requirements For Non-Centrally Cleared Derivatives — What's New? ARTICLE
Court Rules Banks Not Liable For Converting Cheques To Non-Existing / Fictitious Payees ARTICLE
Bank liable for allowing continued access to electronic banking facilities after notice of breach ARTICLE
Proposed Canadian Rule on Customer Clearing and Protection of Customer Collateral and Positions ARTICLE
Court upholds Securities Commissions’ power to compel and share evidence ARTICLE
Ontario Considers Elimination Of 30% Corporate Control Limit ARTICLE