une main qui tient une guitare


Rapport sur la législation et la réglementation applicables aux institutions financières fédérales

Le Reporter (publié en anglais seulement) est un sommaire mensuel de l'évolution des législations et réglementations internationales et fédérales canadiennes qui sont pertinentes pour les institutions financières de régime fédéral au Canada.

Le Reporter (publié en anglais seulement) est un sommaire mensuel de l'évolution des législations et réglementations internationales et fédérales canadiennes qui sont pertinentes pour les institutions financières de régime fédéral au Canada. Il ne traite pas de l'évolution législative ou réglementaire des services financiers provinciaux, bien que BLG suive de près tout changement dans ce secteur et puisse, sur demande, fournir de l'information à ce sujet. De plus, les modifications de nature purement technique et administrative (comme celles qui sont apportées aux formulaires de rapport) ne sont pas traitées.

Mars 2017



Title and Brief Summary


Bank for International Settlements

March 30, 2017

Global systemically important banks — revised assessment framework — consultative document

The Committee has completed its review and is consulting on the following modifications to the framework:

  • Removal of the cap on the substitutability category;
  • Expansion of the scope of consolidation to include insurance subsidiaries;
  • Amendments to the definition of cross-jurisdictional activity;
  • Modification of the weights in the substitutability category and introduction of a trading volume indicator;
  • Revisions to the disclosure requirements;
  • Further guidance on bucket migration and the associated surcharge; and
  • A proposed transition schedule.

Comments should be provided by June 30, 2017

Bank for International Settlements

March 29, 2017

Regulatory treatment of accounting provisions-interim approach and transitional arrangements

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision released details of the interim regulatory treatment of accounting provisions and standards for transitional arrangements.

Final version

Bank for International Settlements

March 29, 2017

Pillar 3 disclosure requirements — consolidated and enhanced framework

The Pillar 3 disclosure framework seeks to promote market discipline through regulatory disclosure requirements. The enhancements in the standard contain three main elements:

  • Consolidation of all existing Basel Committee disclosure requirements into the Pillar 3 framework.
  • Introduction of a "dashboard" of banks' key prudential metrics
  • Updates to reflect ongoing reforms to the regulatory framework.

Final version


March 23, 2017

Guidance on Amendments to regulations under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act (PCMLTFA)

This guidance provides information about changes related to:

  • signature
  • signature card
  • definitions
  • elements that must be considered in your risk assessment:
  • records you must keep of "reasonable measures" that you have taken (in force June 2017)



[Applicable to Life Insurance Companies]

March 20, 2017

Deferral of IFRS 9 Application for Federally Regulated Life Insurers

This allows life insurers to adopt both IFRS 9 and the new IFRS 4 — Insurance Contracts Standard simultaneously.

Until January 1st, 2021

Bank for International Settlements

March 15, 2017

Identification and management of step-in risk — second consultative document

The proposed guidelines define the step-in risk that is potentially embedded in banks' relationships with unconsolidated entities. The framework leverages existing prudential tools by informing or supplementing them.

Comments should be provided by May 15, 2017

Financial Stability Board (FSB)


March 13, 2017

Proposed governance arrangements for the unique transaction identifier (UTI)

The consultation document identifies key criteria for the UTI governance arrangements and the rationale for a number of those criteria; identifies UTI governance functions to be performed, including a mapping of those functions into three broad areas of governance; proposes the allocation of some functions to specific bodies; and identifies options for the allocation of some other functions.

Comments should be provided by May 5, 2017


Published (Gazette) — March 8, 2017

By-law Amending the Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Differential Premiums By-law, SOR/2017-22

  • Target Tier 1 capital ratio to be reported by CDIC member institutions
  • Updates to the Three-Year Moving Average Asset Growth Ratio



[Applicable to Banks, Bank Holding Companies, Trust and Loan Companies, Co-operative Retail Association]

March 6, 2017

OSFI's Implementation timeline for the Net Stable Funding Ratio (NSFR)

The Committee's proposed NSFR standard requires banks to maintain a stable funding profile relative to the composition of their assets and off-balance sheet activities.

To extend the domestic implementation timeline of the NSFR to January 2019



This Reporter is prepared as a service for our clients. It is not intended to be a complete statement of the law or an opinion on any subject. Although we endeavour to ensure its accuracy, no one should act upon it without a thorough examination of the law after the facts of a specific situation are considered.

  • Par : Jeffrey S. Graham