Sashin Narayan



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Sashin is a summer student at BLG’s Toronto office for the 2023 summer term. He is focusing on business law.

Sashin recently completed his third year of the combined JD/MBA program. During his studies, Sashin supports undergraduate business students as a head teaching assistant. As a law student, Sashin serves as chair of the Sports Committee for the Dalhousie Law Students’ Society. He also volunteers with the student division of Lawyers Without Borders and is an executive member of the Business Law Association of Dalhousie. Prior to joining BLG, Sashin worked as a financial analyst for TELUS in their Capital Management group.

Sashin chose to work at BLG because of the firm’s commitment to fostering a supportive environment where students and lawyers are encouraged to take initiative.

In his spare time, Sashin enjoys both playing and watching sports, especially hockey, basketball, and Formula 1. He also enjoys playing guitar and exploring new genres of music.


  • JD, Université Dalhousie, 2024 (expected)
  • MBA, Université Dalhousie, 2024 (expected)
  • BCom, Specialized Honours in Accounting (cum laude), Université York, 2020