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CPD Series: Generative AI & Wire Fraud

01 mai 2024

9 h 00 à 10 h 30 HE

Connection details will be provided after registration.

BLG is committed to supporting you with your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) needs. We are pleased to offer ongoing virtual sessions through the year to help you fulfill your 12 hours of required CPD.

Please join us for two very timely, informative, and engaging presentations with BLG’s leaders in their respective fields.

First, we will have Lisa Chamandy presenting on “Generative AI – What it means for you and your business”. This will be followed by Ross McGowan’s “That wasn’t me! Wire Fraud – Whose money just went sideways. An overview of cyber risks, banking and a brave new world of financial fraud.”

We look forward to having you join us! If you have any questions about this event, please email [email protected]. Please respond by April 29.

BLG U provides live and recorded accredited CPD to our professionals and clients on demand. To register, please fill out the membership request form. For password resets and other site inquiries, please contact [email protected].