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Trusts In The 21st Century: Surviving In A Sea Of Change

26 avril 2019

9 h 00 à 16 h 30 HE

Pan Pacific Hotel
999 Canada Place Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 3B5

Trusts have been an effective estate planning tool for centuries. With recent changes in federal tax rules and further proposed changes at both the federal and provincial level, advising on the utility and administration of trusts has become more complicated. Learn what has changed and will likely change in the trust landscape, and how to navigate the changes to ensure that trusts continue as an effective tool.

BLG's Peter Glowacki will be presenting "Changes Wrought by Provincial Government 2018 & Changes Still to Come" at the Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia's Trusts in the 21st Century: Surviving in a Sea of Change.

Key Contacts

  • Peter Glowacki

    Peter Glowacki

    Associé et responsable national, groupe Clients privés

    [email protected]

    Peter Glowacki

    Associé et responsable national, groupe Clients privés

    • Clients privés
    • Planification pour clients privés
    • Administration de successions et de fiducies
    • Litige relatif aux successions et aux fiducies
    • Droit autochtone

    • Voir la biographie
    Voir la biographie