Kaliopi Dimitrakoudis

Articling Student


After spending two summers with the firm, Kaliopi is now an articling student at BLG’s Toronto office.

At Osgoode Hall Law School, Kaliopi became heavily involved with the Osgoode Advocacy Society. She represented Osgoode at the Canadian National Negotiations Competition and served as Co-President of the Society’s executive committee. Kaliopi also placed first in the National Family Law Negotiation Competition. While pursuing her MBA at the Schulich School of Business, she had the opportunity to compete in several case competitions, as well as intern as a strategy consultant with the Centre for Customer Centricity.

Kaliopi chose BLG because of the incredible people. She also appreciates how the firm promotes entrepreneurial thinking- and yet, has cultivated a strong community that works together toward common goals.

Kaliopi loves rock climbing and is an enthusiastic dog parent who loves spending her spare time with her dog, Plato!


  • JD/MBA, The Schulich School of Business &, Osgoode Hall Law School, 2023
  • MA, Philosophy, York University, 2018
  • BA (Hons.), Queen's University, 2017