office reception area


Before becoming part of BLG, the fully bilingual firm Scott & Aylen was founded in 1952 by Cuthbert Scott and John A. Aylen. Cuthbert Scott's son, David W. Scott, co-founded Pro Bono Law Ontario and worked at BLG until his passing in 2019.

With a rich history in the nation’s capital, our professionals provide exceptional legal services in business law, litigation/dispute resolution and intellectual property solutions.




World Exchange Plaza
100 Queen Street
Suite 1300
Ottawa, ON, Canada
K1P 1J9

See on Google Maps 613.237.5160 Toll-Free (North America): 1.855.660.6003 613.230.8842 Accessibility



Charitable Initiatives

  • Advocates Society - John P Nelligan Award of Excellence
  • Boys & Girls Club of Ottawa
  • CHEO Foundation
  • Citizen Advocacy of Ottawa
  • Crohn's and Colitis Canada
  • Great Canadian Theatre Company
  • Kids Play Safe
  • Kiwanis Club of Ottawa Foundation
  • Law Society Foundation - Lawyers Feed the Hungry program
  • OSEG Foundation
  • Ottawa Salus
  • Pro Bono Ontario
  • Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre
  • United Way Centraid Ottawa
  • YMCA-YWCA of the National Capital Region

Helping Growing Companies Leverage their Funding

If your company has attracted eligible government funding, BLG’s Catalyst Program will match every dollar your company spends on legal services with us, up to $10,000 per company. This will be in the form of additional legal services.

You get access to tech-savvy lawyers, patent and trademark agents specializing in intellectual property protection, corporate, labour and employment law.

To find out more, email [email protected].


We are always looking for talented people to join our team. Will that be you?