Our team of specialists advises boards of directors, board committees and management on governance by combining governance and accountability frameworks.
We have been involved in many governance-renewal processes for health care providers and foundations. We have an extensive library of state-of-the-art governance and accountability templates, which gets updated regularly.
Our lawyers are the principal co-authors of several publications, including for the Ontario Hospital Association, which are recognized as setting best practice standards:
- Guide to Good Governance
- Guide to Good Governance: Not-for-Profit and Charitable Organizations
- Prototype Corporate By-law (for Ontario hospitals)
- Prototype Professional Staff By-law (for Ontario hospitals)
- LHIN/Health Service Provider Governance Resource and Toolkit for Voluntary Integration Initiatives
We understand the structure in which health care providers must operate and their unique commercial agreements. This includes:
- the Hospital Service Accountability Agreement
- the Multi-Sector Service Accountability Agreement
- the Long-Term Care Home Service Accountability Agreement
Our diverse range of clients includes:
- public hospitals
- research institutions
- hospital foundations
- public healthcare organizations
- other not-for-profit and charitable institutions
- other health service providers