District Energy, or the production and supply of heating, hot water and cooling services through a network of pipes to multiple buildings or neighborhoods, is becoming more common in Canada and is being looked at as a way to reduce emissions. Increasingly renewable and low carbon energy sources such as solar thermal and geothermal heat, waste heat from industry and buildings are being used as a source of supply for district energy systems, along with the more traditional source of supply from combined heat and power plants.
As the use of renewable and low-carbon energy sources continues to expand, so too do the associated regulations and legal considerations. It is essential to have a specialized legal team that can successfully navigate the regulatory/legal framework and protect your interests above all.
BLG’s Energy – Power group assists district energy providers, customers, lenders and suppliers in respect of:
- Permitting and regulatory issues;
- Equipment agreements;
- Construction contracts;
- Operation and maintenance agreements;
- Options and leasing agreements;
- Fuel supply agreements; and
- Customer contracts.