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BLG Advised In The Top Deals And Cases Of 2018

Lexpert highlights BLG's varied expertise, for work in cannabis hostile takeover bid and in constitutional challenge

Toronto (February 20, 2019) — Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG) has been recognized for its role in three of the top 10 deals and top 10 business decisions of 2018, as featured in the February 2019 edition of Lexpert. Highlighting the firm’s varied expertise, BLG made the list for its involvement in R. v. Comeau and for its work with CanniMed Therapeutics in a hostile takeover bid by Aurora Cannabis Inc. – recognized as one of the year’s top deals and cases.

In R. v. Comeau, BLG’s Christopher Bredt and Ewa Krajewska acted as counsel to two interveners on the appeal before the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC), the Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the Canadian Federation of Independent Businesses. The case challenged the constitutionality of trade barriers between provinces, after a New Brunswick resident was charged by police for bringing liquor from Québec across the border. The SCC modified the historical legal test for when a provincial law impermissibly restrains trade from one that narrowly prohibited provincial governments from levying tariffs and duties to a more purposive approach against laws who essence and purpose is to limit trade among the provinces.

BLG was also recognized for its role advising CanniMed Therapeutics in Re Aurora Cannabis Inc., considered the leading case on defensive tactics that a public company can employ when confronted with a hostile takeover bid, and also in the completion of the $1.23 billion takeover bid. BLG’s team was led by Philippe Tardif and included Jason Saltzman, Andrew Powers, Mark WheelerColin Cameron-VendrigPierre PermingeatJoseph Di PonioRocky Swanson (capital markets and M&A), Denes Rothschild (competition), Danny Lang (tax), James DouglasCaitlin SainsburyGraham Splawski and Ashley Thomassen (litigation).

BLG also advised in a number of the deals and cases that received an “honourable mention”, including:

About Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

As one of the largest, truly full-service Canadian law firms, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP (BLG) delivers practical legal advice for domestic and international clients across more practices and industries than any Canadian firm. With 750 lawyers, intellectual property agents and other professionals, BLG serves the legal needs of businesses and institutions across Canada and beyond — from M&A and capital markets to disputes, financing, and trademark and patent registration.


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For more information, please contact:

Tamara Costa
National Director, Brand and Marketing Communications
Borden Ladner Gervais LLP
[email protected]