a group of people walking down a dirt road

Estate & Trust Administration

As a trust company or individual acting as a personal representative, or as a beneficiary of an estate or trust, estate and trust administration is multi-faceted and complex.

We can assist with all matters relating to the administration of estates and trusts, including:

  • post-mortem tax planning and implementation
  • advising individual and institutional executors and trustees with respect to their fiduciary duties and risks
  • interpretation of wills and trusts
  • applying for grant applications for probate, administration, ancillary and resealing, including notifying beneficiaries and heirs
  • conducting wills notice, probate and title searches
  • advertising for creditors
  • filing documents with the courts and Land Title Office
  • post-mortem tax planning
  • assisting with post-grant procedures, including transmitting/transferring/liquidating estate assets (real property, mineral rights, bank accounts, registered and non-registered investments, private and public securities and bonds)
  • assisting with assets and property in other provinces, the United States and other jurisdictions
  • assisting with the set-up and administration of all forms of trusts, including family, joint spousal, alter ego, disability and testamentary trusts
  • informal and court passing of accounts

We represent trust companies and individuals acting as trustees, administrators and personal representatives.

Our team leads the profession, serving in professional organizations such as the Society of Trust and Estate Professionals, the Canadian Tax Foundation, the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists, and the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law.


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