We are the leading health care institution defence firm in Canada, with more than 40 years of experience representing health care facilities and their staff in malpractice litigation and other disputes.
Our more than 30 specialists provide dispute litigation services to over 250 health care institutions across Canada. We understand the demands and pressures our clients face and have successfully defended many of the most significant health care trials, class actions and appeals in Canada.
We represent institutions and individuals in all stages of the malpractice litigation process, including the discovery process, trials and appeals. Our experience includes:
- multi-million dollar brain injury and compromised infant claims
- product and medical device liability
- class actions
- privacy and cybersecurity breaches
- diagnosis and treatment errors
- medication and other adverse events
- failure to respond to changes in patient status
- patient and visitor falls
Our team has been the primary legal counsel to the Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada (HIROC) since its creation in 1987. We are also one of the primary legal counsel to Direction des assurances du réseau de la santé et des services sociaux (DARSSS).
We are counsel to health care institutions and providers in disputes that arise in the provision of health care, including:
- mental health and consent to treatment disputes
- Criminal Code review processes for not criminally responsible persons
- wrongful dismissal and other labour relations claims
- physician credentialing disputes
- health professional regulatory proceedings
- contractual and other commercial disputes