On May 16, 2018, Lynn M. McGrade, partner in our Securities and Capital Markets group and the leader of the Investment Management groupin Toronto and Katherine Cooligan, regional managing partner in our Ottawa office and part of our Commercial Litigation group, will champion the advancement of women by taking active roles at the 6th edition of the FCI-CWI Women in Leadership — Challenges and Opportunities Conference.
Taking place in Toronto, this event will feature a series of engaging discussions from female corporate leaders and executives from across the country. The conference's aim is to encourage and promote the continued growth of women in leadership roles at major corporations by sharing strategies to become more effective leaders in today’s business environment. Ms. McGrade will chair the second session which will feature the conference’s keynote address. Ms. Cooligan will discuss the importance on credibility and trust in today’s market.
For more information about the conference or to register to attend, please visit the conference website.