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BLG well represented at ABA Antitrust Law 2018 spring meeting

April 11, 2018

12:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. ET

Marroitt Marquis
901 Massachusetts Ave NW Washington, DC, U.S. 20001-4307

Members of BLG's Competition and Foreign Investment Review Group will be attending the ABA Antitrust Law 2018 Spring Meeting from April 11-13, 2018 in Washington, DC.

Subrata BhattacharjeeDenes RothschildCait Sainsbury, Gregory McLean and Pierre Gemson will be attending the meeting and look forward to connecting with speakers and delegates.

The spring meeting hosts more than 3,000 antitrust and consumer protection delegates from 50+ countries. The conference will include 50+ CLE sessions and various networking events.

For more information on our involvement at the ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting, contact Lindsey Bombardier, Business Development Director at [email protected].

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